City Council Agenda
Memo to: |
Manteca City Council |
From: |
Barbara Harb, Interim Director of Development Services |
Prepared by: |
Scott Speer, Senior Planner; Toben Barnum, Associate Planner |
Date: |
November 19, 2024 |
Subject: |
General Plan Amendment for Project GPA 22-66 (Quintal Road) and Project GPA 24-73 (Union Crossings) |
Conduct a public hearing and adopt a resolution approving a General Plan Amendment for: (A) Project GPA 22-66 (Quintal Road) amending the land use of four (4) parcels from Mixed-use Commercial (CMU) and Medium Density Residential (MDR) to High Density Residential (HDR) and Low Density Residential (LDR) for APNs: 224-040-52, -06, -07 and -11 respectively (Tiered IS/MND prepared pursuant to CEQA (SCH# 2024080853)) and (B) Project GPA 24-73 (Union Crossings) amending the land use of seven (7) parcels from High Density Residential (HDR) and Commercial (C) to High Density Residential (HDR), Commercial (C), Park (P) for APNs: 226-160-34, -36, -37, -38, -39, -40, and -44) respectively (additional CEQA review not required due to consistency pursuant to CEQA Guidelines §15162 and §15183) (SCH# 2008092083))
The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment (GPA) that will be the fourth amendment to the City’s Land Use Element, in the calendar year 2024. Unlike past GPA applications, this GPA consists of two project sets herein referred to as Project GPA 22-66 (Quintal Road) and Project GPA 24-73 (Union Crossings).
Project GPA 22-66, has been filed by Quarterra, Inc, consisting of an amendment to the land use designation of four parcels from the Commercial Mixed-use (CMU) and Medium Density Residential (MDR) to a High Density Residential (HDR) and Low Density Residential (LDR) land use designation for APN’s 224-040-52, -06, -07 and -11 respectively. Project GPA 22-66 is accompanied by a Rezone No. REZ-22-91, Tentative Subdivision Map No. SDJ-22-68, and Site Plan and Design Review No. SPC-22-67 entitlements. Said entitlements submitted as part of Project GPA 22-66 will be considered as part of a separate public hearing. Approval of the GPA would ultimately facilitate the development an 818-unit residential development, consisting of 672 multifamily units, 48 duet homes, 98 single-family homes, and 1.93 acres of public open space.
Project GPA 24-73 is a City-initiated application consisting of an amendment to the land use designation of seven parcels from High Density Residential (HDR) and Commercial (C) to the High Density Residential (HDR), Commercial (C), Park (P) for APNs: 226-160-34, -36, -37, -38, -39, -40, and -44 respectively. There is no development associated with Project GPA 24-73. This GPA application will resolve a discrepancy with the recently updated 2043 General Plan and the existing Planned Development overlay. The seven parcels in question currently have General Plan Land Use designations of Commercial Mixed-Use and High Density Residential. The proposed new designations are Commercial on 1239, 1271, 1295, 1323, and 1337 W. Atherton Drive, High Density Residential on 1308 W. Atherton Drive, and Park on 1350 W. Atherton Drive. These redesignations will allow for existing development, approved entitlements, the Union Crossing PD zoning, and the certified Union Crossing EIR addendum to conform with the 2043 General Plan.
Project GPA 22-66 is located near the northeast corner of South Main Street and West Atherton Drive at 144, 292, 301 and 490 E Quintal Rd: APN Nos. 224-040-52, 06, 07 and 11.
Project GPA 24-73 is located to the west of S. Union Road, north and south of Atherton Drive at 1239, 1271, 1295, 1308, 1323, 1337, and 1350 W. Atherton Drive (APNs 226-160-34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 44). 1239, 1271, 1295, 1323, and 1337 W. Atherton Drive (the parcels north of Atherton Drive) are vacant land. 1350 W. Atherton Drive is a portion of Tony Marshall Park. 1308 W. Atherton is vacant land entitled for a 300-unit multi-family development.
A full analysis of Project GPA 22-66 was prepared for the Planning Commission. Minor edits have been made to said report as outlined in red text. An updated report for Project GPA 22-66 has been included as Attachment 6 of this report. A full analysis of Project GPA 24-73 was prepared for the Planning Commission and included as Attachment 7 of this report.
A Tiered Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (Tiered IS/MND) (SCH #2024080853) was prepared for Project GPA 22-66, REZ-22-91, SDJ-22-68, and SPC-22-67 in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The full Tiered IS/MND can be reviewed via the following link: <>
Project GPA 24-73 does not require further environmental review under CEQA Guidelines §15183, as it is consistent with a certified EIR (the Union Crossing EIR Addendum, SCH# 2008092083). The EIR previously prepared for the project area can be reviewed via the following link :<>
Project GPA 22-66 and GPA 24-73 were both heard by the Planning Commission at the October 17, 2024, regular meeting. The Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 1672 and Resolution No. 1673 recommending City Council approve a General Plan Amendment for both projects.
Council conduct a public hearing and by motion adopt a resolution approving a General Plan Amendment for: (A) Project GPA 22-66 (Quintal Road) amending the land use of four (4) parcels from Mixed-use Commercial (CMU) and Medium Density Residential (MDR) to High Density Residential (HDR) and Low Density Residential (LDR) for APNs: 224-040-52, -06, -07 and -11 respectively (Tiered IS/MND prepared pursuant to CEQA (SCH# 2024080853)) and (B) Project GPA 24-73 (Union Crossings) amending the land use of seven (7) parcels from High Density Residential (HDR) and Commercial (C) to High Density Residential (HDR), Commercial (C), Park (P) for APNs: 226-160-34, -36, -37, -38, -39, -40, and -44) respectively (additional CEQA review not required due to consistency pursuant to CEQA Guidelines §15162 and §15183) (SCH# 2008092083))
Fiscal Impact:
There is no direct fiscal impact associated with this action.
Documents Attached:
1. Attachment 1 - General Plan Amendment Resolution
2. Attachment 2 - Exhibit ‘A’ to Resolution - General Plan Amendment
3. Attachment 3 - Exhibit ‘B’ to Resolution - General Plan Amendment
4. Attachment 4 - Project GPA 22-66 Planning Commission Staff Report
5. Attachment 5 - Project GPA 24-73 Planning Commission Staff Report
6. Attachment 6 - PowerPoint Presentation