Memo to: Manteca City Council
From: Toni Lundgren, City Manager
Prepared by: Vanessa Carrera, Executive Assistant to the City
Date: February 25, 2025
Subject: Receive and discuss a report on the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Goals and Priorities Work Plan and 2024 Citywide Accomplishments, and review and rank priorities for Fiscal Year 2025-2026.
Staff recommends that the City Council receive and discuss a report on the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Goals and Priorities Work Plan and 2024 Citywide Accomplishments, and review and rank priorities for Fiscal Year 2025-2026.
On January 16, 2024, the City Council adopted a new mission, vision, and values statement-Manteca City C.O.U.N.C.I.L.-which emphasizes Community, Optimism, Unity, Neighborliness, Commitment, Integrity, and Leadership.
At the same meeting, the Council established five strategic priorities for FY 2024-25, ranked as follows:
1. Plan for Updating City Infrastructure and Facilities
2. Economic Development & Vitality
3. Public Safety
4. Expand Homelessness & Housing Options and Solutions
5. Stabilize City Finances
This special meeting aims to:
* Provide a status update on the FY 2024-25 Goals & Priorities Work Plan and Citywide accomplishments in 2024.
* Present and rank departmental goals and needs for FY 2025-26.
* Discuss with the Measure Q Citizens' Oversight Committee how to align priorities with anticipated Measure Q funding.
Staff will return to the Council for formal adoption of the FY 2025-26 Goals & Priorities Work Plan at a later date and provide ongoing progress updates thereafter.
Fiscal Impact:
There is no fiscal impact associated with the adoption of this item.
Documents Attached:
1. Attachment 1 - FY 2024-2025 City Council Goals & Priorities Work Plan (Updated
February 2025)
2. Attachment 2 - Council Goals & Priorities Ranking Sheet for FY 25-26
3. Attachment 3 - 2024 Department Accomplishments, Goals & Needs for FY 25-26
4. Attac...
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