City Council Agenda
Memo to: Manteca City Council
From: Cassandra Candini-Tilton, City Clerk
Date: February 18, 2025
Subject: Senior Advisory Committee Appointments
Interview and appoint four applicants to fill four regular member vacancies on the Senior Advisory Committee for terms ending on December 31, 2027, and authorize the City Clerk to continue recruitment efforts for two alternate positions for the Committee.
Composition of the Committee:
The Manteca Senior Advisory Committee consists of nine regular members and two alternate members. Five regular members of the Committee shall be appointed to three-year terms and the alternate members will be appointed on an annual basis by City Council. The remaining two regular member of the Committee are appointed by the Trips N’ Tours group and the Bingo Committee and also serve a three-year term. The members must be residents of the city or reside in the County with a Manteca address, be at least fifty years of age, and must be a currently active volunteer at the Senior Center.
Number of Vacancies and Recruitment Process:
There are currently six vacancies for the City Council appointed portion of the committee, they are as follows:
• four expired member terms. the applicants will be appointed to a term beginning immediately and expiring December 31, 2027.
• Two vacant alternates, with yearly terms expiring December 31, 2025.
The City Clerk’s Office received four qualified applicants:
• Ron Light (Incumbent)
• Kenny Havens (Incumbent)
• Patrick Malone (Incumbent)
• Gwendolyn Grace
Applicants are all residents of the City of Manteca (or County with Manteca address) and at least fifty years of age and are active members at the Senior Center which meets the membership requirements.
Fiscal Impact:
Documents Attached:
1. Attachment 1 - Applications
2. Attachment 2 - Bylaws