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File #: 22-047    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/19/2022 In control: CITY COUNCIL
On agenda: 2/1/2022 Final action:
Title: Adopt the resolution authorizing the purchase of a Pierce Tractor Drawn Aerial Ladder Truck (CIP 22016) from Golden State Fire Apparatus (GSFA) in the amount of $1,707,772.01 utilizing HGACBuy cooperative purchasing agreement (contract FS12-19, product code FS19VA11) and granting retroactive authorization to the Fire Chief to sign the non-binding January 18, 2022 purchase proposal from GSFA to lock in the purchase price.
Attachments: 1. Attachment 1 - Resolution, 2. Attachment 2 - Fire Apparatus Solutions Quote, 3. Attachment 3 - Proposal and Addendum, 4. Attachment 4 - Example Picture
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City Council Agenda
Memo to: Manteca City Council
From: David Marques, Fire Chief
Prepared by: Bret Harmon, Budget Manager
Date: February 1, 2022
Subject: Purchase of a Tractor Drawn Aerial Ladder Truck (CIP 22016)

Adopt the resolution authorizing the purchase of a Pierce Tractor Drawn Aerial Ladder Truck (CIP 22016) from Golden State Fire Apparatus (GSFA) in the amount of $1,707,772.01 utilizing HGACBuy cooperative purchasing agreement (contract FS12-19, product code FS19VA11) and granting retroactive authorization to the Fire Chief to sign the non-binding January 18, 2022 purchase proposal from GSFA to lock in the purchase price.
The Manteca Fire Department currently operates one ladder truck as a first line piece of equipment, responding on a daily basis to a wide range of emergency situations. Having been purchased on 2008, this apparatus is now near the end of its useful life span and is often in the shop for repair. It is not uncommon for the truck to break down on the side of the road, leaving its company out of service and taking away Manteca's only aerial ladder.

With several large buildings in the city, including new construction such as the Great Wolf Lodge, it is imperative that we maintain a working ladder truck at all times. In addition to its primary purpose of allowing firefighter's access to multi-story buildings, the ladder truck also serves as the primary source of rescue equipment for operations. Being outfitted with a wide variety of extrication tools, the ladder truck responds to every high-speed vehicle accident within the city and on surrounding freeways.

The purchase of a new Aerial Ladder Truck will allow the Manteca Fire Department to provide adequate fire protection 365 days a year. By relegating the existing truck to reserve duty, we will be able to have a reliable, staffed, truck anytime the front-line apparatus goes out of service. Having two aerial ladders will also improve the effectiveness...

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