City Council Agenda
Memo to: Manteca City Council
From: Miranda Lutzow, Acting Finance Director
Date: December 3, 2019
Subject: Salary Matrix and Memorandum of Understanding for the Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3
Adopt a resolution approving a budget appropriation, Salary Matrix, and the Memorandum of Understanding for the Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3.
The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3 expired on June 30, 2019. After a successful negotiation, the attached MOU will be effective from July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2021.
The following are significant changes made in the agreement:
* 2 year term
* Salary Increase
* 2% July 1, 2019
* 2% July 1, 2020
* New dues language due to the JANUS decision
* Addition of 83.2 hours (4%) of Wellness time off (this addition will be taken from the Re-Opener earned in the previous contract
* Addition of 2% Deferred Compensation (this addition will be taken from the Re-Opener earned in the previous contract)
* Increase CTO accrual bank from 80 hours to 100 hours, and carryover from 40 hours to 50 hours
* Updated Floating Holiday language to make consistent with other units
* Off-duty scheduled callback to be automatic 3 hours
* 1.5% salary increase for all members in exchange for the employee to pay 100% of Employee PERS contribution (8% or 7%)
* Boot Allowance
* Updated Retirement language
Fiscal Impact:
The following budget appropriations are required to implement the memorandums of understanding for Fiscal Year 2019-20:
Appropriate funds from undesignated reserves in the following funds to the salary and benefit accounts in said funds:
* General Fund Salary and Benefit Accounts $48,500
* LMD Fund Salary and Benefit Accounts $16,725
* Gas Tax Fund Salary and Benefit Accounts $30,400
* Golf Fund Salary and Benefit Accounts $6,050
* Sewer O&M Fund Salary and Benefit Accounts $88,900
* Solid Waste Fund Salary and Benefit Accounts $...
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